Exam's all done! Happy Holidays to all SMA students. Now I've got to find myself a job. I've got to support myself and not depending on my parents you see. Its the simplest thing any child would understand. If you've got to buy something of pay something, you know getting a job is the best situation. Not lazing around at home thinking that "Ouhhh, god's pouring me money today! Let's fucking wait for the fucking money." Hehs, not my kind. I'd rather work biatch.Put aside hanging around with friends you trust. If you choose to hang around then by all means, but do not ever trouble them or your parents. They've enough trouble finding money to feed ya. My fucking point right now is, I need a job hahaks. Fucking long-winded ayie! Not trying to ask for sympathy but if you guys do have "lobangs", please do contact me. Cause I need the job for real or my 3 months holidays are fucking wasted. Untill then I'm gonna browse thru what I've got for now. Ouhhh ya, when it comes to opportunity, do be choosy.Hahaha that was fucking fun! Went for a sheesha session yesterday as soon as school ends. Officially out of school! Wooooo! What's new? I've Cutted my Hair! To a bloody Mat Rep outlook.
But then, it won't be long till my hair's gonna be fluffy again. Okay Ain?? hahaks. Hope all of my friends had a wonderful start for 2008. Misses for all of you whom I've not met for quite awhile. Monday's a day out to a friend's crib far to the end of Singapore. Movie marathon! And to all my lovely cousins waiting for your O's results,

Captain Rosli! You Rock!

My Law Lecturer, Dennis
Yours Truly,