saturday saturday saturday! is the best day luhh. and i sound like ain. SATurday is the best day! hahaks. okay very well, the whole of sma ppl went to sentosa yesterday. well actually not all of us. sum unfortunately cudn't attend. so it was a day out wif the campers, group leaders and organising committee of the FO camp. luckily myron was there! hahaks. and his gf came by soon after. had a mouthful of sands, in our ass crack, armpits, belly buttons, hairs and places u might not want to noe. we managed to keep the volleyball bouncing till 20! and its so much difficult i'm gonna tell u. i regretted starting the game. we can't touch the sea till we reach 20! urghh. and my board shorts got torn in the process! i must find a replacement. i dunno bout the others, but my fun is remarkably more! huhuhu. if u noe wad i mean.
and surprise surprise not only sma ppl are there representing SP, but mls ppl are there too. they're celebrating sumthing i guess. and i tot sarah is there! i called and called. tapi takde punnnn. huahua. and like always, malays fighting wif malays. and they were fighting in the toilet! cool ishh. i was just leaving the cubicle. words of fury was heard coming from only one side. and so, its not my sma ppl business. had them leave the toilet and meet the rest. went to vivo's banquet to have my dinner wif faris and farhan. u guys must try the cockles kway teow! only thing which is not cooked well is the cockles. other than dat, seeing it will make ur saliva dripping! after dinner, sum of us decide to play arcade. well pools my game though. no arcade for me. soon after me, faris and farhan played pool, comes the competition. alvin and rain! haha i lost to rain! wad a day! and now i've got to go back to working life.