first of all, december pit was a hell. hell as in fun shit! got to get together wif old peeps and didn't sleep the whole nite. too bad sumone wud really want me too haha. suke ehhh~. well countdown at wlds called "HipHoPaGanDa" will ba such a bomb! invitations are limited. u guys can have the invitations card from me or u can even grab it at the nearest 77th street. as i was told recently. be sure dat if u do have the invitation card, do not lose it! cos if u do, u wun be able to enter the fucking happening show in the arena! lots of performance will be on! the event will commence from 7pm to 1am, 31st december 2006.
so if u lazy bums bums have no where to go, lazy to lift ur butt to go elsewhere for countdown dis year, need to be back early, wants a new flava, pls do come for dis wlds countdown.
invitation cards from me still available but while cards last~
ps, i think bahasa indonesia is sweet and cool~!
invitation card!
batam was such a treat. credits to tsun and family yeahh!
enjoyed myself for the past week. broken my virginity to something i dun wish anyone to noe *giggles*, spend time overseas, had accounting and IT projects in school even though its holidays. urghh. okay the fun was there and the idea was absolutely there. been trying to slim down strictly. and hoped it will continue to go smoothly. batam pic's wif ati! i wud love to have it la cousin! and for sure u pemalas no. 1 to send!
have no idea wad i have in mind for tmr but at nite its a confirmed plan hahaks. though i can't stay long. even if i wud, gotta be wif tsun yeahh. anyways going back early doesn't mean i dun get to enjoy huh? i will if i do. so be it *winks*. dis coming saturday will be cds annual east coast pit. can't wait to catch up wif all of them. we did plan things well dis time round. uh huh dats wad i tot. so it'll be nothing more then skimming for me yeahh. damn i miss dat board!
can't wat for hari raya haji and countdown wooooooo~
i've just sent my parents down for the m'sia trip till saturday. worse part yet, i'll be in batam saturday onwards wif tsun, ejat, ati and family. i'll be missing you~
dis week's the last week of school. i'll be in 3 weeks worth of holidays. i wish i cud find a part time job by then. get sum cash both for car prac and stuff. cds annual pit is coming soon and chaz is in NS. even though it's been only a few days, mcm dah lama tak nmpk dier! confirm by now he wud've asked me to come down for a puff or two haha. i've got my results for dis semester and thank god the GPA is slightly better than the previous one. i'll be at lavender tmr to accompany tsun reviving his passport expiry date. so if anyone wanna meet me or if u have problems wif me. u noe where i'll be at huh? okay cool. so other than shopping wif tsun, ejat & ati, there's not much to look forward to.
well actually there is.
in fact its a dilemma now.
hope it'll be a peaceful drop
of flowing wind which will
ease my ear upon hearing
dat much needed phrase
to overcome my fear.
good midnite SG! da fuck u looking at? my post la bongok. huahua. yesterday went to taman jurong CC to witness dsc's & dafam performance. it was WOAHHH! hahaks. half of the performance i was down at the audience seats and the other half was wif tsun and amsya saving the video cam from falling (part time job so far). was fun and i didn't get to eat the bbq. so does tender! wakaka.and so we're off to esplanade to watch akeem perform. glad i was there. akeem was dope. sleeq was dope. and ya only them so far! and ya, zul mystroe dope as ever! dsc's getting larger yeahh! gong xi tsun! hahaksannnndd it goes like.jangan tunggu lama2nanti lama2dier di ambil org*sobs sobs*hehe. if anyone noe wad i mean yeahh!