Bored Sunday mornings, with nothing to look forward to other than rest. But I've got a wedding invitation from the secondary classmate. Her sister is getting married and she took the oppotunity so that we could gather and have a "meet up". Hehs, it was fun but the idea of killing two birds with a stone did not go quite well. Only a handful turned up. Hmmmm can't be bothered.
Other than that, I stayed home the whole day not rotting. I was youtube-ing on the search for any Jang Nara videos. And of course, what appeared was her best acted drama soundtracks. Gosh I miss that show. My Love Patzzi. And everytime I watch the clips, well, it reminded me of the ex girlfriend. We enjoyed this show very very much. Fucking sad story. Gonna need to find the whole episode now. Kinda in the mood you feel me? lols.
Ouhh, almost forgot. I've lost most of my hp contacts! When you see me, gimme your updated hp no. pls! thks =)

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