It's 10 more days till Hari Raya Aidil Fitri comes. Been trying to fast for the whole month now. Just when Satan was locked up, I realised that there's much more unwanted devils still walking around freely and better still, they hang out at mosque. I'm over it luhh. You guys continue doing what makes you happy. Hopefully I won't be as foolish as i was like the two fugly incidents. Anyways, I've got very interesting modules this semester. Modules like Maritime Law, Insurance, Critical Reasoning Skills, Know Your Rights and much more. These are the sufficient knowledge one would be craving for so as not to be bullied by the ridiculous law of the world.
We must always keep in mind that we have our rights. But you people do not come claiming your rights with dumb reasons. That's plain bullshit. I consider myself lucky having to learn these magnificent modules. Seriously, this is what keeps me coming to school. Thank you god!

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