ouhh gosh. saturday. yesterday. shits happened as though dat its international shitting day. well i went to town wif izza and amir. we started off by going plaza singapura to watch amir's fren dancing for a competition. never did i tot dextrous will be there too. and they qualified for today's finals. so is amir's mate.
as i said, shit happens. first up was at long john. bitches look at izza like she's gonna eat the whole cheese available in LJS. wtf. i was as shocked as her! okay so being young adults, we refrain from arguing and so we proceeded to kfc. things went fine untill, me and izza was giggling about sumthing confidential and izza head just happened, JUST HAPPENED to tilt to her right where a fatso in pink was blocking our view (okay not actually blocking, she has just done washing her hands.) god bless me when i say fatso. cos she's super fatso. a malay fatso in pink. who looks like she's in her 20s?
she mistook us (i suppose) for giggling at her freaking sandals! (yes! sandals!). we were eating and there she was leaning towards our table and says, "excuse me, at least my sandals are .... ... ..."
okays at dat point of time i was like? pfft. first its LJS now kfc? again as adults, we continued eating till aphyik got his. done dat, i finally tot of confronting dat bitch. hahaks sarcastically dat is. but it was okay. sama2 melayu perr.
and so we watched the performance wif amir melting over the purple girl nyeeehaha. as soon as its done, me, izza, amir, ajib and aphyik made our way to cathay cineleisure. and there is where i had my heart melted. pheeeew. period.
and the day went by wif stress pilling over stress. team spider rawks! hahaks
missed chance! pfft.

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