woke up late today wif a cheeky reason! huhu. okay its not dat late mind u, only 11am. see?! only 11am okays. so i was woken up by teresa's thank you msg on my birthday wish for her. and well again hahaks, HAPPY B'DAE TERESA! met tsun at civic centre to re-new his PDL. done dat, we went to zap it! favourite dok! haha he wants it laminated. we walked here and there and we saw ejat! yayyyy we spied on him muahaha. coolness! then the 3 of us went to dome and slacked by the bay. played poker and had fun us cousins huhu.
i've been thinking lately. am i not pellucid enuf?? i feel dat i'm just like a penguin who wud like to have the skill of flying. yes honestly i may look like a lazy dumb. but i dun keep quiet for nothing. i'm not showing my eagerness. neither am i showing my loss of interest. i just dun feel i'm blessed. i'm not even suppose to be thinking of flying. its just way too high for me. i quit. i dun feel there's any diff in pursuing dis.
there will still be smiles but there's just no more waiting.
no more.

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