i'm been reading glavin's blog recently. man am i proud of macha! keep up the good work yaaa hahaks. my sunburn is finally giving in so i'm no longer feeling turbided! yessaaaa
been thinking how people kept their blogs vivified. cos i'm feeling all those starlight now haha. so i went to east coast pit 4 area B on my weekends. spent the chinese new year hols there by the beach. i got sick and didn't have dat much fun although the fact dat i had sum cycling session hahaks. the countdown to attachment is finger countable. ergggh its trailing butterflies to my stomach again. dammit! wait till i've come to my graduation day, traffic police test, and my ns enlistment! i'd be gorging out my eyes. urghhh. but still these are all angel in disguise only dat its not disguised afterall. i noe wad the outcomes are gonna be. its for my own good. i wanna be bon vivant person. so dis is my route, my life which i'm pathed to. dun ever feel remorse. cos damn its gonna be hurtful.
think life
think parents
think god
gf?? naaahhhhh
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