yea-ness!!! SMA camp was fun... i was over the moon.. had lots and lots and lots of fun, lost my voice, made MILLIONS of frens teeeeehehehe...
first day was like every natural camp.. we broke the ice ice baby hehe.. my group ACHILLES consist of
- Daryl [ creative one ]
- Hafiz [ mr 6 pointer and master sergeant ]
- Saiful [ my tall guy ]
- Trey [ mr bapok ]
- Pei xin [ ang kong gal who plays maple story ]
- Song ling [ laughing fartard ]
- Naim [ funny GL who's FUNNY in one kind ]
- Hermione [ daryl's mermaid ]
- Luqman [ chiller dude ]
- Yaser [ mr slow laughing machine ]
- Aaron [ mr silent who turned bubbly ]
- Azri [ last but not least mr JOKER himself and daryl crime in partner]
hahahha to tell u guys the truth it was the best camp ever.. the SMAC really made an excellent job... got it covered from a-z... medic was impressive... i've got to give my compliments... thanks for naim and song ling for making it the best 4 days 3 nights i've ever spent not at home, thanks to nurse joy for treating my wounds, thanks to zhenling for ur support and confidence in ACHILLES, thanks to sokyin for the glorious food, thanks for all mr DJs for the wonderful music duringt the disco nite, thanks to serguan and kahwoon for the meaningful camp.... u guys gotta noe sumthing man...
next up... hmmm after long not updating... actually i've just came back from KL... shopping baby wahahahaha... damn cool man... 2 nights at 5star hotel.. darn delicious breakfast and SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOPPPPIIINNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!! wahahahaha.. shopping was the best man... bought loads and loads of stuff... thanks a lot to my aunt for giving me extra pocket money... me and ejat really had loads of fun there... funny night at the clubs wif bapoks and an interesting discovery... wahahaha very2 confidential rite guys hahaha... and then there was oink pulled to one corner by sumone who wants to do a random check but refuse to show his warrant card... damn i dun give a fuck to malaysia rules but hell i noe i wanna see ur warrant card... why the resistant to show it marfarker?? u only show it when surrounded by 7 singaporeans.. only when u're outnumbered.. fuck u bastard... dun u pull my brudders away and do sum fuck up check and i got to say Doink was fierce... DAMN FIERCE hahaha... cool man...
first day of school today was fun fun.. hahaha got home early cos lecturer was away hahaha.. cool..
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